Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Update: Week of September 27

The garden is finally winding down for the season--and what a season it was! We have grown and harvested over 400 pounds of vegetables, with over 80 pounds provided to the MG cafeteria. Thanks a ton to everyone who helped out!

Next year, the new compost system in the cafeteria will help fertilize our veggies. After looking over our experiences form this year, we plan to hone our selection of vegetables to better fit the soil and the needs of the cafeteria. We also hope to expand our project, possibly with another plot just for potatoes. Additionally, we are looking for funding for next spring--we need new plants and more garden tools, and we would like to purchase deer fencing to keep the critters off our veggies. A foundation has offered us a grant of $1000 if we can raise $500 or more.

To this end, we ran a table promoting the garden at the high school and middle school Open Houses on Tuesday the 21st and Tuesday the 28th. We gave out samples of potato salad made by Judy Richardson from the cafeteria, sold cartons of tomatoes for $4 each, and collected donations from parents and teachers. So far, we've made a total of $318! This is a significant leap towards our goal of $500.

Mgrhs-garden Three varieties of potato salad!

If you would like to make a contribution, please contact Rebekeh Packer, Greylock 11th grader. You can also mail your donation to Mt. Greylock at 1781 Cold Spring Road, Williamstown, MA 01267. Checks should be made out to Mount Greylock Regional High School, with "Greylock Garden" in the memo line. Any size donation is appreciated. Thank you!!!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Update: Week of September 5th

School is in session, and the garden is in its harvesting prime! Over fifteen pounds of sweet cherry tomatoes (and eighteen pounds of Mr. Wied's butternut squash) have been picked, most of which will be served by the cafeteria this week. The onions and carrots were also picked, with some used by the school and some by community members.

The broccoli, peas, and lettuce are still young and delicate, especially the lettuce. Feel free to weed and water beds 1A (lettuce), 5B (broccoli), and 4B (peas).
Note: The hose is fixed! To water, attach the hose sticking out of the green house window to the one by the outside door, then bring that second hose up to the garden and hook it to the hose there.

The environmental science class started gardening today! The class harvested squash and tomatoes, in addition to watering. Thank you to Ms. Green and her students!